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*Full OSA Member leagues and clubs only. Scroll down to view a list of full OSA members by major metro area.

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Registration Dates

LeagueLocalized AreaSpring Registration OpensSpring Registration ClosesFirst Week of PracticeFall Registration OpensFall Registration ClosesFirst Week of PracticeBest Place to Register
Arcadia Soccer Club (BSSL)ArcadiaJan 6, 2025Feb 8, 2025Mar 3, 2025Jun 1, 2025Jul 5, 2025Aug 4, 2025Facebook
Barnesville Soccer AssociationBarnesvilleJan 21, 2025Feb 28, 2025Mar 16, 2025Jun 22, 2025Jul 31, 2025Aug 17, 2025Facebook
Baltic Soccer ClubBalticFeb 14, 2025Mar 1, 2025Mar 17, 2025Jun 1, 2025Jul 5, 2025Jul 28, 2025Facebook
Beavercreek Soccer AssociationDayton/BeavercreekJan 7, 2025Feb 24, 2025Apr 5, 2025TBDTBDTBDWebsite
Belmont Soar AcademyBelmont/MorristownJan 1, 2025Feb 28, 2025Apr 5, 2025TBDTBDTBDWebsite
Big Walnut Soccer AssociationNorth Columbus/SunburyNov 22, 2024Feb 7, 2025Mar 24, 2025May 30, 2025Jul 11, 2025Aug 18, 2025Website
Bluffton SC (BSSL)BlufftonDec 1, 2024Jan 30, 2025Mar 10, 2025Jun 1, 2025Jul 31, 2025Aug 18, 2025Website
Centerville Recreational Soccer LeagueSouth Dayton/CentervilleFeb 15, 2025Apr 15, 2025Apr 15, 2025Jun 1, 2025Aug 15, 2025Aug 15, 2025Website
Columbus East Soccer Association (Final Third Foundation)ColumbusNov 4, 2024May 25, 2025Apr 24, 2025Apr 7, 2025Oct 31, 2025Aug 25, 2025Website
Cory-Rawson Youth Sports Association (BSSL)Rawson/West FindlayDec 19, 2024Feb 14, 2025Mar 10, 2025TBDTBDTBDWebsite
Darke County Soccer AssociationGreenvilleJan 1, 2025Mar 9, 2025Mar 10, 2025Jul 1, 2025Aug 24, 2025Aug 25, 2025Website
Delaware Youth Athletic AssociationDelawareDec 1, 2024Jan 30, 2025Apr 1, 2025Jun 1, 2025Jul 30, 2025Aug 1, 2025Website
Dublin Soccer LeagueColumbus/DublinJan 6, 2025Feb 1, 2025 (waitlist)Apr 5, 2025May 1, 2025June 16, 2025 (waitlist)Aug 18, 2025Website
First Capital FCChillicotheFeb 7, 2025Mar 13, 2025Mar 17, 2025Jul 10, 2025Aug 14, 2025Aug 18, 2025Website
Gahanna Soccer AssociationColumbus/GahannaDec 18, 2024Feb 28, 2025Mar 10, 2025May 18, 2025Jul 31, 2025Aug 11, 2025Website
Gibsonburg Soccer Club (ESSL)Toledo/GibsonburgJan 25, 2025Feb 14, 2025Mar 1, 2025Jun 1, 2025Jun 30, 2025Aug 1, 2025Email
Girls Southeast Cincinnati SoccerCincinnati/AndersonJan 1, 2025Mar 15, 2025Apr 20, 2025May 1, 2025Jul 15, 2025Aug 18, 2025Website
Graham Area Youth Soccer Association (Miami East)St. ParisFall OnlyFall OnlyFall OnlyMay 1, 2025May 31, 2025Jul 14, 2025Website
Grove City Kids AssociationColumbus/Grove CityDec 1, 2024Jan 31, 2025Mar 31, 2025Jun 1, 2025Jun 30, 2025Aug 18, 2025Website
Hebron Area Soccer AssociationHebronJan 15, 2025Mar 16, 2025Mar 31, 2025Jun 1, 2025Aug 24, 2025Sep 25, 2025Website
Hilliard Ohio Soccer AssociationColumbus/HilliardNov 15, 2024Jan 31, 2025Mar 16, 2025TBDJun 30, 2025TBDWebsite
Hogg Creek Soccer LeagueLimaApr 1, 2025Jul 1, 2025May 15, 2025Summer OnlySummer OnlySummer OnlyWebsite
Huber Heights Soccer AssociationDayton/Huber HeightsFall OnlyFall OnlyFall OnlyMar 1, 2025Jul 27, 2025Aug 4, 2025Website
Jonathan Alder Soccer AssociationColumbus/Plain CityJan 1, 2025Feb 20, 2025Mar 17, 2025Jun 1, 2025Jul 15, 2025Aug 18, 2025Website
Kenton Soccer AssociationKentonJan 15, 2025Mar 3, 2025Mar 1, 2025Jun 1, 2025Aug 4, 2025Aug 1, 2025Website
Lake Soccer (ESSL)Toledo/MillburyJan 19, 2025Feb 16, 2025Mar 1, 2025TBDTBDTBDWebsite
Lebanon Youth Soccer AssociationCincinnati/LebanonOct 23, 2024Feb 15, 2025Mar 24, 2025TBDTBDTBDWebsite
Liberty Benton Soccer Association (BSSL)FindlayJan 1, 2025Feb 8, 2025Mar 3, 2025Jun 1, 2025Jul 12, 2025Aug 4, 2025Website
Louisville Soccer ClubCanton/LouisvilleJan 1, 2025Mar 15, 2025Mar 31, 2025TBDTBDTBDWebsite
Mantua Soccer AssociationCleveland/MantuaJan 10, 2025Feb 21, 2025Mar 31, 2025TBDTBDTBDWebsite
Newark Area Soccer AssociationNewarkJan 1, 2025Mar 1, 2025Mar 31, 2025Jun 1, 2025Aug 1, 2025Sep 1, 2025Website
Niles Youth Soccer LeagueYoungstown/NilesJan 17, 2025Mar 15, 2025Apr 7, 2025Jun 1, 2025Jul 31, 2025Aug 4, 2025Website
Northwood Soccer (ESSL)Toledo/NorthwoodDec 15, 2024Feb 1, 2025Mar 1, 2025TBDTBDTBDWebsite
Ohio Valley Soccer LeagueVincent/BarlowFeb 2, 2025Mar 16, 2025Apr 12, 2025TBDTBDTBDWebsite
Pataskala Youth Soccer LeagueColumbus/PataskalaNov 1, 2024Feb 10, 2025Mar 31, 2025May 1, 2025Jun 30, 2025Aug 4, 2025Website
Pickerington Area Soccer AssociationColumbus/PickeringtonJan 1, 2025Feb 25, 2025Mar 17, 2025Jun 15, 2025Jul 31, 2025Aug 16, 2025Website
Prairie Township Community CenterColumbus/Galloway/Lake DarbyJan 1, 2025Mar 2, 2025Mar 24, 2025Apr 7, 2025Jul 7, 2025Aug 11, 2025Website
River View Middle School SoccerFresno/CoshoctonFall OnlyFall OnlyFall OnlyTryouts in MarchJul 15, 2025Jul 15, 2025Email
Shelby County Youth SoccerSidneyJan 20, 2025Feb 28, 2025Mar 15, 2025May 1, 2025Jul 4, 2025Jul 15, 2025Website
Sheridan Youth SoccerBuckeye Lake/ThornvilleJan 10, 2025Feb 14, 2025Mar 17, 2025May 5, 2025Jun 27, 2025Jul 28, 2025Website
Southeast Cincinnati Soccer AssociationCincinnati/Anderson/Eastgate/AmeliaOct 1, 2024Mar 15, 2025April 2025May 1, 2025Jul 15, 2025Aug 11, 2025Website
Sporting ColumbusColumbusJan 1, 2025Apr 1, 2025Mar 1, 2025Apr 1, 2025Oct 31, 2025Aug 1, 2025Website
Springfield FCToledo/HollandFeb 3, 2025Mar 24, 2025Apr 7, 2025Jul 7, 2025Aug 17, 2025Sep 2, 2025Website
Teays Valley Youth SoccerAshvilleJan 20, 2025Mar 1, 2025Mar 24, 2025Jun 1, 2025Jul 15, 2025Aug 25, 2025Website
Tipp City Youth Soccer (Miami East)Tipp CityFall OnlyFall OnlyFall OnlyApr 1, 2025Jun 10, 2025July 7, 2025Website
Union County Independent Soccer League (Elite FC)Marysville/OstranderJan 1, 2025Feb 28, 2025Mar 24, 2025Jun 1, 2025Jul 31, 2025Aug 25, 2025Website
Vermilion Soccer Association (LCSL)Cleveland/VermilionJan 1, 2025Feb 7, 2025Mar 29, 2025Jun 1, 2025Jul 1, 2025TBDFacebook
Wellington Soccer Association (LCSL)WellingtonJan 1, 2025Feb 21, 2025Check with leagueTBDTBDTBDWebsite
Woodmore Soccer (ESSL)Toledo/ElmoreDec 27, 2024Jan 26, 2025Mar 1, 2025Jun 1, 2025Jul 6, 2025Aug 1, 2025Website

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