Buckeye Premier Youth Soccer League
Our History
BPYSL began in 1991 and has played a large role in Ohio’s youth soccer landscape. Originally started with just 10 teams in the Columbus and Cincinnati areas, the league has seen major expansion over its 31-year history and now includes over 650 participating teams from Ohio, Indiana, northern/central Kentucky, and West Virginia. The league caters to a wide array of talent levels, which allows teams to find an appropriate competition level. In November 2022, the Ohio Soccer Developmental League (OSDL) integrated into BPYSL. Read more. The league is operated by Ohio Soccer Association.Field Closures: Information on field closures can be found on the BPYSL Facebook Page or using the BAND Group Texting App. Additional information on fields and weather can be found on the fields page.
In Season Reminders
- Check Band, Facebook, and our Field Hotline for field closures. If you scheduled your own club’s field or contracted one on your own, you MUST notify us of any changes, cancellations, or weather closures PRIOR to the game being played (and fees may result if not done in the required amount of time).
- The game schedule that is online is what stands. If you are not able to play a game you MUST notify us! Not providing the required amount of notification WILL result in fees.
- ALL game changes need to be submitted using the online game change request- it helps if you use the field availability and put specific location, field #, and time. If you are using your own field or have arranged a field on your own, you MUST list who gave you permission on the game change request or it will be denied.
- Either team can enter the game score- this should be done within 48hrs of the game being played.

George Sauer- League Commissioner Nikki Stover- League Administrator 1929 Ohio Drive Grove City, OH 43123 (614) 591-3181 bpysl@ohio-soccer.org Click here to schedule Carding Appointment.