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Environmental Conditions Guidelines

To alert coaches, players, parents/guardians, and referees about environmental conditions aimed at promoting safe play and reducing injuries, the Ohio Soccer Association (OSA) offers the following recommendations and guidance from U.S. Soccer’s Center for Health, Innovation, and Performance.

Environmental conditions can significantly impact player health and safety. Extreme temperatures, severe weather and the integrity of the playing field and its equipment all impact players’ ability to practice and compete safely. U.S. Soccer’s Center for Health, Innovation, and Performance gives players, parents/guardians, coaches and referees information and guidelines to make sure the desire to play does not cloud the decision-making process when it comes to evaluating environmental conditions to ensure the safety of those on the field.

OSA and its member clubs, leagues, and sanctioned tournaments that hold programming outdoors should understand basic information about environmental conditions and use the following guidelines to assess the continuation of a competition or practice.

See U.S. Soccer’s Environmental Conditions for the following guidelines:

  • Heat & Hydration [PDF]
  • Heath Guidelines
  • Air Quality Index Guidelines
  • Sun Safety Guidelines
  • Cold Weather Guidelines
  • Lighting & Severe Weather
  • Field Conditions
  • CDC Resources for Healthy Travel