League Sites


When a player feels the time is right or ages out of a current program, he/she may have the desire to join a competitive (also known as “travel”) team. In order to do so, the player usually is required to attend a tryout or evaluation.

Tryouts are organized by soccer clubs in your area, and usually occur late spring/early summer. Some clubs have an open tryout or evaluation format, where you can be invited to attend a training session with a team to be assessed at any time.

Following the assessment, the player may be offered a place on a team by the coach or director.

You can find OSA member clubs in your local area by using our Play Locator Map.

You can find information on some available tryouts by checking our our Club & League Guide! The 2024 edition will launch mid-April.

Frequently Asked Questions

A: The simple answer is anytime. This has not changed from previous years.

A: At anytime.

Last year there was a mandate that clubs could not extend offers outside their club until after Memorial Day. After considerable feedback, we have made the decision to remove this mandate.

We recommend that clubs wait until after Memorial day weekend, but this is no longer a mandate.

A: The fees charged to confirm a spot on a club team is not a function of OSA operations.

These amounts are established by the club and can vary.

A: Clubs can host a tryout at anytime.

OSA recommends communicating with your specific leagues, as the leagues may have some established deadlines that could restrict when a tryout, or more specifically an offer, can be extended to a player.

It is our recommendation that a club wait until the end of the season, or the completion of OSA’s Cup Series, prior to extending offers. As stated previously, this is a recommendation – not a mandate.

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