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Three Reasons Not to Worry this Holiday Season

With the “H-word” Season ramping up, it may feel like the situations that inspire stress are merrily multiplying with no signs of slowing down until January crash lands on you. But turn that grimace upside down because in every chance to worry there’s an opportunity to sail through, stress-free with Calmposure.

Let’s look at three stressful situations that are common this time of year and see if we can’t bring on some calm.

Coming Down with Something

As the temperatures outside dip, colds, flues, and every other type of winter bug start popping up to wreak havoc. Even if the illness isn’t severe, the annoyance can be. Missing work, school or the big game is bad enough, but if you have holiday get-together’s planned you could miss them too … or risk spreading germs.

Why not to worry …

Thanks to a certain pandemic, we all have a much better idea of how to keep ourselves from getting sick. Feel free to put your mask-wearing and vaccine-getting skills to use this season. And if you’re still feeling nervous before going out, taking Calmposure can help by balancing stress hormones.

Not Enough Hours

Less daylight may only make it seem like we have less time to get things done at the end of the year, but the increasing demands on our schedules certainly doesn’t help. School and winter sports are still in full swing, plus there’s decorating, gift-buying,  elaborate baking, to get done and other holiday festivities looming.. It can really feel like there’s simply not enough time to do everything.

Why not to worry …

A little planning ahead can go a long way. Instead of taking tasks as they come, see if there are checklist items that can be done early. Also give yourself permission to take advantage of conveniences like having dinner delivered before it’s the last minute. And if you’re still feeling overwhelmed, Calmposure is fast-acting to help you control the stressful situations when you need it most.

The Gifts That Keep on Taking

Even if you don’t celebrate with gifts, avoiding shopping during the holidays is nearly impossible. It’s often worth it to brave going to a brick-and-mortar store downtown or the suburban war zone that is the mall, but these adventures can leave you frazzled.

Why not to worry …

Would your friends or family really want a gift that, to get it, you’d have to really stress yourself out? Ok, yeah some would. Use your judgement about what sales, deals, or limited time offers are really worth it. And for the demanding recipients on your list, Calmposure is here to help bring on the calm before the shopping storm stresses you out.

We want the entire OSA family to enjoy the end of the year and any celebrations with low- stress and lots of fun. OSA is happy to have Medella Springs Healthcare — makers of Calmposure — as a partner. Calmposure is a naturally derived supplement that balances stress hormones in the body and helps calm feelings of situational stress. Taken occasionally or daily, it reduces feelings of anxiety caused by situations we all commonly face.

Calmposure is safe and easy to try. Go to medellasprings.com and use the code OSA20 at checkout to save 20% on your entire order.

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